Counselling Hypnotherapy
David offers clinical hypnotherapy as an optional, supplementary approach to regular talk therapy. Hypnotherapy has been used effectively in various clinical settings over the past century to support clients in recovery from a variety of psychological, emotional, and physical concerns.
David views hypnotherapy as a holistic, mind-body intervention, helping individuals to change beliefs and heal barriers to wellness. It is commonly used to help facilitate a greater state of calmness, allowing individuals to become more receptive to changing patterns of thinking and feeling that may contribute to distress.
For individuals who are interested in exploring hypnotherapy, a list of frequently asked questions have been created for additional consideration.
David will typically recommend a minimum of two sessions for clients specifically requesting hypnotherapy services.
FAQs about Hypnotherapy
What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is essentially a shift in awareness towards improved focus and concentration. In the state of enhanced concentration and deep relaxation that hypnosis can facilitate, individuals become more open to helpful suggestions that may support positive shifts in perception. Hypnosis can also enhance awareness of the mind-body connection, supporting individuals with accessing greater insights into concerns.
What is clinical counselling hypnotherapy?
Clinical counselling hypnotherapy typically integrates a combination of talk therapy alongside other therapeutic modalities that David has been trained in such as somatic therapy and psychodynamic therapy. David often facilitates hypnotherapy as part of a broader, integrated plan of therapeutic support.
What can I expect during a hypnotherapy session?
Most individuals can expect to feel calm and relaxed. It is important to note that individuals participating in clinical hypnotherapy are always in control. At any time, clients can decide to end any hypnotherapy exercise and debrief about experiences. Like all therapy sessions, David will facilitate regular check-ins before, after, and sometime during a hypnotherapy process. A typical hypnotherapy session will include an exploration of guided imagery and personal themes that are collaboratively agreed upon before each session.
What kinds of concerns can hypnotherapy help with?
Hypnotherapy can offer effective supplementary support for a number of clinical concerns such as anxiety and panic attacks, fears and phobias, stress and burnout, insomnia, chronic pain, psychosomatic issues, addiction, and trauma.
How long does it take for hypnotherapy to provide the intended support?
David believes that long-term, sustainable life change ultimately occurs through the development of self-insight and psychological growth, which requires time and personal dedication. For clients specifically requesting hypnotherapy services, David will typically recommend a minimum of two sessions. For support focused on past regression or trauma healing, David will typically recommend a longer course of treatment that integrates traditional talk therapy in addition to hypnotherapy.
What is David’s training?
David has completed Clinical Hypnotherapy certification (C. Hyp) with Daybreak Therapy and Training in Toronto, Ontario. David is trained in post-modern, Eriksonian approaches to hypnotherapy, meaning that sessions are intended to be collaborative, conversational, and client centred.
What is regression therapy?
Regression therapy is a specific approach to hypnotherapy that is intended to help individuals integrate experiences from the past. It is facilitated after a strong foundation of safety and grounding has been established in therapy. David uses regression therapy to help clients gain insights into the past, process past emotions, and find closure.
Is hypnotherapy appropriate for everyone?
Not necessarily. Like any psychotherapeutic intervention, an integration of hypnotherapy will not be the most appropriate form of support for every individual. David can help to determine whether hypnotherapy is a good fit for your needs. Sometimes hypnotherapy can be simply used as a way of facilitating grounding and relaxation through processes of in-session mindfulness.